Wednesday September 15 I went to the Airport with my two aunts, Karla and Diane, my Grandparents, and my cousins wife, Brenda, and their two kids, Tierney and JP, to welcome home my Cousin Alecia and her parents and her fiance Ovi. We had to wait awhile as their flight was delayed, so I held JP and kept him entertained while we waited.
Afterwards I had dinner with Karla, Diane, Curt, Brenda, Tierney and JP. Once again I was holding JP as it was getting late and he was getting tired. As we got ready to leave I told Curt and Brenda that I was going to kidnap JP; so I did!
Imagine my parents surprise when I showed up back at home with him! I did have to run over to a certain person's house and retrieve the stolen toys so he had something to play with! He is such a good baby, though. He is all smiles and happiness!
He did decide, though, at 1:30 in the morning to wake up and not go back to sleep for an hour and a half! After being assured by his mom that he sleeps through the night you can imagine my surprise at this turn of events! Once we got back to sleep, though, he sleep the rest of the night and didn't wake up until 8 and even took a few short naps with me throughout the morning. I really enjoyed having him spend the night with me, even though it made me realize how tiring it is to be a mom!
Wordless Wednesday
4 hours ago